by Natascha | Jul 22, 2016 | Baby, Big Brother, Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Kid's Photography, Denver Photographer, Families, Featured Post, Newborn, Photography, Portraits
Denver newborn family photography session a few months back. Don’t they look like a rockstar family?
She’s one of my favorites! And she has been a little sick recently, so I hope this cheers her up.
Funny backstory:
Mamma texted me a photo before this shoot (her fourth shoot with me, I think) and it had three shirts laying on a bed – one for her, one for her older son and one for her husband. I mistakenly thought her son was supposed to wear all three shirts layered (obvs -the photo didn’t do a great job of showing the relative sizes). I wrote back something like….”all three shirts layered? I think he will get hot.” LOL. Then she explained what she meant.
BTW, getting the clothing together for your family shoot can be stressful – but it can also be a blast! After years of doing family portraits, I know that getting the clothes together for your family shoot can be challenging- so I offer lots of prep help in different formats, to meet your own preferred style of learning. I have email/text tips, Pinterest Boards, and even a custom Studio Magazine with prep tips and suggestions for any type of photoshoot. Of course, I also offer help via phone and/or text.
Anyway, I loved this shoot. Her beautiful, stylish home was designed by her, and has the most amazing light everywhere.
Denver Newborn Baby Photographer
by Natascha | Jul 4, 2016 | Boulder Baby Photography, Boulder Children's Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Broomfield Newborn Photography, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Colorado Family Photography, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver High School Senior Photos, Featured Post
Happy 4th of July Everyone! Enjoy this fun US Flag, Patriotic Portrait Series I created featuring adorable local Denver child models.
I hope you and your family get to enjoy the day – participate in an old-fashioned parade, eat snow cones, be with friends and family, and watch fireworks!
Happy Independence Day 2016!
Denver Kid’s Photography
by Natascha | May 9, 2016 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield Family Photography, Broomfield Newborn Photography, Denver Children's Photographer, Featured Post, Studio
Denver / Broomfield Kid’s Portrait session with the cutest little 3 year old girl (her family lives in Broomfield, but we did the photos @ my Denver studio).
We’ll that’s what the blog posting started out as -just to share some really adorable portraits I did of an adorable 3 year old girl. Then, as I started finding links to other photos I took of this family, I realized how honored I am to be able to craft fine family portraits for them again and again, as their children grow. The last part of that last sentence is hard to write because their middle child, Miss M, got her fairy wings exactly 2 years ago.
The sadness I feel as I write that fact is held in my heart at the same time as this fact: I’m also so grateful I was able to provide things like this stunning family portrait session while she was still with us and very much her: joyful, dancing, full of life and vitality (even though her body was already fighting).
I can’t put into words how honored I am to provide heirloom portraits for all my families. This is even more true when one of the family members is no longer with us on earth.
Let’s chat about sweet Miss B – I was so excited to photograph her again! Her Grandma started this great tradition with Miss B’s mom where the kids are photographed at the age of 3 in similar traditional backgrounds/old fashioned clothes/poses. Here is Miss B’s photo, which will proudly hang on the wall along with those of Mom, Auntie, Big Sister Miss M, and Big Brother.
Look at that impish little smile! And her sparkling eyes!
And here is a BTS (behind the scenes) image from the shoot. See all that yummy natural light in my Denver studio? When doing the type of image I did above, I have to make that beautiful light a “non-issue” so that all the light falling on the image is controlled and from OCF (off camera flash.) So I used both flash and an LED light panel. Anyway, as much as I LOVE photographing with natural light, it’s always fun to mix it up and do something different.
Here’s a little backstory for you: in order to get her to stand in the correct spot, I put a little tape on the ground and asked her to stand on top of it, to cover it with her feet. She was great at this.
And then, after we did the “traditionally lit” work, we moved on to a completely different set up – contemporary expressive with natural light. (Natural light portraits are my specialty.) And since they would already be there @ the studio, why not do a second type of portraits, too? If time allows, I will often suggest we “mix it up” with a change of location, outfits….or even just accessories! Here is my favorite from that second part of the shoot. Her Mamma has serious style, and she brought just the cutest clothes. Little Miss B personifies “cute as a button.”
Denver and Broomfield Children’s and Family Photographer
by Natascha | May 8, 2016 | Featured Post, Maternity, Mother and Child, Uncategorized, Yoga, Yoga Photographer
Happy Mother’s Day!
In celebration of motherhood:
Denver 3-Generation Portraits
Denver Newborn Baby Photography
Yoga Maternity Photography
Denver Baby Photographer
Westminster Family Photography
Washington Park Family Photography
Winter Park Family Photography
Boulder Family Photography
Broomfield Family Photography
by Natascha | Apr 25, 2016 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Broomfield Colorado Parks, Broomfield Companies for Mothers, Broomfield Family Photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Fall Colors, Father and Child, Fathers, Featured Post, Great Nature Locations, Mother and Child, Outdoors, Portraits, Siblings, Sisters
Deciding how to display your family portraits can be daunting. It’s not only a question of where, but also how. If you have several images that you just love (from the same shoot), I suggest a Canvas Cluster, like the one showcased here:

It’s a great example of a wall display (called a “cluster” display) of my portraits for a local Broomfield Family. The client’s favorite photo anchors the entire grouping – it’s the largest and in the center.
A fun backstory about that center image. I told them, as I tell all my clients, that when I’m photographing a family, “We want each member to be physically touching another member.” Usually this is done by holding hands, or placing your hand on someone else’s shoulder. Well, this family had another idea for it – esp the boys who are pranksters. I rolled with it (I don’t think they realized I was going to photograph their adorable shenanigans) , and we got an image they love that reflects this family’s unique personality.
As the mom said about her experience working with me:
“Natascha is a supremely talented photographer. She captures your family’s true spirit, and crafts artistic portraits that you cherish for a lifetime. I highly recommend her.”
Jennelle Ertl, Broomfield, Colorado
When you get family portraits you love, be sure to order and proudly display BIG wall prints / canvas clusters of your family portraits. It’s one of the best ways to celebrate your family’s love and special connection. Also, I recommend ordering a couple small prints for your children’s rooms, and/or bathrooms. Kids LOVE to have their own personal copy of the family photo.
Broomfield Family Photographer
by Natascha | Apr 22, 2016 | Art Series, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Child Model, Children, Denver Model Photographer, Families, Featured Post, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Portfolio, Spring, Studio
modeling headshots/ portfolios for both of her beautiful daughters. When I interviewed them, she said if she could have any superpower, it would be EarthMother, so I had an EarthMother drawn for her.
BTW, the insanely talented artist who did this is Electra from Italy. I am so lucky to be able to work with people like her. Every time I get a piece of art from her, it makes me smile all day. Do you have anyone like that you work with? Every time they deliver their creativity to you, it delights you so much that you smile all day?
Cherry Creek Children’s and Family Photographer
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