by Natascha | Aug 25, 2015 | Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Children, Clothing, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Photographer, Downtown Denver, Featured Post, Great Nature Locations, Outdoors, Portraits, Siblings, Sisters, Summer, Teen, Where I Shoot
previous post, I mentioned this handsome boy’s Zoolander expression, and here it is! I told these siblings to give me their “serious” look and his stunning sisters definitely gave me the “don’t mess with me” look. And the boy, well, see for yourself! I love it! My favorite is how he is able to get those eyebrows angled downwards. Like a precious cartoon character!
Stylish Washington Park Family Portraits
by Natascha | Aug 24, 2015 | Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Corporate Portraits, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Featured Post, Great Nature Locations, Landscapes, Outdoors, Portraits, Summer, Where I Shoot
John Fielder (Colorado’s Rockstar Nature Photographer) has photographed on their land multiple times! I felt so honored to get to do the same!
Rancher Family Portraits
by Natascha | Aug 13, 2015 | Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Children, Clothing, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Photographer, Downtown Denver, Featured Post, Great Nature Locations, Outdoors, Portraits, Summer, Where I Shoot
(You can always follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook, where I tend to post a bit more often.)
Today, I have time to quickly post just one image from a recent family session in Washington Park. The family portraits are AMAZING, but for this first posting I decided to do it of their 8 year old boy.
His big sisters and his mother are beyond beautiful – like drop dead gorgeous. And of course lovely and stylish women – they have it all! And Dad is super handsome and very nice. Oh! And super connected in all the ways it matters if you are shooting @ 6am @ Wash Park, when the city tends to water the landscaping. Speaking of, have you seen the flower beds @ Washing Park, the ones near the boathouse? They make me a Sad Panda. I know what happened is that the Spring/Summer hail decimated the flowers there. But I sure do miss the lovely flowers that usually grow there;-(
Back to this kiddo – I worry that when I post the entire family photo, the ladies’ beauty might eclipse how handsome and cute this boy is, in his own right. So his portrait goes up first. (Anyone recognize that tree trunk? It must be the most famous and photographed tree @ Washington Park.)
Meet Mr Personality: (oh, I can’t wait to share his “zoolander” look in a future posting.)
[caption id="attachment_5418" align="aligncenter" width="643"]
Washington Park Family Portraits by Natascha Lee Studios[/caption]
Stylish Washington Park Family Portraits
by Natascha | Feb 10, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Dancers, Denver Photographer, Lafayette Baby Photography, Lafayette Children's Portraits, Studio, Where I Shoot
More today from the tour of my light-filled North Denver Portrait Studio!
This is the Movie Preview Room, where we meet two weeks after your session and I show you your beautiful images on a large screen TV.
I’ll also help you pick out your favorite portraits (it’s harder than you think!), and select which products you want to order.

Denver Dancer, Baby, Kid and Family Photographer
For more photos of my studio, click here.
All images ©2015 Natascha Lee Studios.
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