by Natascha | Oct 11, 2015 | Community Spotlight, Denver Headshots, Featured Post, Headshots, Modeling Porfolio, Photography, Portfolio, Portraits, Urban Portraits
As a photographer, I have the honor to create amazing images for my clients – families, models, executives, business owners, etc. And I love getting to know them. Recently I did one of my Headshots with Personality(sm) Sessions for a wonderful, kind woman, Juliana Vergaray. Here is a bit more about her, her business, and what it was like to have her session done by Natascha Lee Studios:
- Juliana, tell us about yourself and your business:
I have been practicing social work for 10 years with an emphasis on the children and teen population. My specialty is in trauma (an event that has impacted you on a level where you felt your life was threatened in any shape or form). I decided to focus on that because of the need: There are long waits at clinics and it’s important to provide treatment quickly after trauma. (The earlier you provide treatment, the more coping skills you can give them.) This can increase their resiliency.
- What do you love the most about your job?
I love being able to support people. To be a witness for them when they are at their lowest point in life, and then to work with them, seeing them when they are done with treatment and in a healthier place – This is all an honor for me.
- What made you decide to get professional photos done now? How will you use the photos?
I’ve reached a point in my career where I wanted photos that accurately represented me and what I offer. Since I am more advanced in my career, I needed professional photos taken by a talented photographer.
- What made you select Natascha Lee Studios for your photos?
I started on Google and looked at many different photographers’ websites. There was a realness to Natascha Lee Studio’s photos. I could tell that she brought out the uniqueness in each person, and captured their essence. They were not heavily photoshopped.
And while I wasn’t looking for kid portraits, her children’s photography is part of what convinced me – her photos of children capture their angelic essence. I thought, “Well, if she can do that with kids, I’m sure she can get authentic photos of me.”
As second aspect was her professionalism – from all the photographers who I contacted, she was one of only two who responded within 24 hours.
- Before the session, did you have any concerns?
Not many, but I was wondering what to wear. Natascha helped me with that via our phone conversations. It wasn’t time consuming to follow her lead and prep tips, but it sure was helpful. She gave me enough info that I felt confident coming in that morning.
She also helped me think through my vision. Initially I wanted to use some clients as models, and Natascha’s experience and advice helped me avoid certain legal and logistical issues. I was able to make a more informed decision how to use a model. (I ended up using a good friend as a model instead of an actual client.)
- During the session, what was your experience like? How did it compare to what you expected?
It was amazing. I just expected to get my photos taken but it was so much more than that. Natascha made me feel felt special and appreciated. In my line of business, I am always the support for others. But this shoot felt like a treat to myself, like I was the one being taken care of and supported. Natascha is full of positive energy, but still very professional in her approach. It was a self esteem boost in a healthy way.
I was surprised as how quick the session lasted (just one hour), but we got a lot done – lots of poses and locations and even three different outfits.
Natascha gave directions, but not in a way that made me feel uncomfortable. It felt like she was trying to get my most authentic reactions and smiles.
- What did you think when you saw the photos? If you have already used or shared the photos, what sort of feedback have you received?
I thought “Wow!” I love them, because they are exactly what I was looking for, something unique and very professional. They are warm and convey my brand well. I was thrilled; I still am.
- What advice would you give to someone else contemplating getting professional headshots done?
I would say look at different websites to find someone whose style matches yours, who has photos that somehow resonate with you. And don’t make your decisions based solely on what you see online. Talk to the photographer to make sure you would be comfortable working with them – look for a connection with them.
Juliana’s private practice, Help Hope and Healing / Ayuda Esperanza Curacion, LLC, is located in Capital Hill within a holistic healing center, she sees client’s as young as 3 to adulthood. You can connect with her via:
phone: 720-443-5701
Twitter: @jvergaraylcsw
by Natascha | Oct 10, 2015 | Boulder Headshots, Corporate Portraits, Denver Headshots, Featured Post, Headshots, Modeling Porfolio, Photography, Portfolio, Portraits, Urban Portraits
family portraits, I specialize in creating headshots and marketing photos that convey your unique personality. That’s why I call them Headshots with Personality(SM). There are four types of headshot services that I offer:
1) Team Headshots where I come to your location, or you come to my studio and I photograph all members of your management or executive team individually and/or as a team. These are for 4 or more people, where you want the images to have a cohesive look to them.
2) Marketing Session for Small Business Owners where I do a variety of images of you in different poses, different expressions, different backgrounds. These are great because just one headshot is never quite enough; it will rarely meet all the needs you have as a business owner. Sometimes you are presenting at a serious conference and you want a conservative, semi-traditional image. Other times, you may be participating in a charity and want a more light-hearted fun headshot. Or you may be trying to reach a new customer group and you want an image that is more edgy and creative. The Headshot Marketing Session gives you several different images to meet these needs, and keep your website/social media/marketing materials fresh and interesting. The photos at the bottom of this post are from a Marketing Session.
3) Model Portfolio Sessions for child, teen and adult models, actors, dancers and performers. These are held @ my Studio and include three outfits, a headshot, 3/4 length and full body in each outfit, and printable files that you can give your agency.
4) Marketing Session + Product/Service Images, which are ideal for small business owners delivering a service in person (like financial service or therapy) or who deliver something tangible (like jewelry, cookies or food.) These include the marketing session (#2 above) as well as photos of you delivering your service or photos of your actual product. The Marketing + Product/Service Session creates a full suite of images for you to use for all your marketing needs.
I recently did a Marketing Session (type #2 above) for a local small business owner, Juliana Vergaray. Juliana is a therapist specializing in helping children with trauma. She wanted some photos that reflected her yoga/breathing/meditation part of her practice, and some that reflected the “meeting with you in my office” part, and also some edgy, outdoor images for when she is working with teens (we shot those on the rooftop of my studio.) She wanted her images to have a variety of feelings (quite, meditative, inquisitive, fun, happy, etc.) – but always warm and caring.
I am in LOVE with how her images turned out (and so is she!) Check out her amazing images below, and then read her interview tomorrow.
by Natascha | Jul 28, 2015 | Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Featured Post, Girl, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Photography, Portfolio, Portraits

Happy Tuesday! I had an exciting weekend with several photo shoots – corporate headshots for a local Cherry Creek Bank, a slew of models, and a family session – 15 people in all! While I don’t have images (sneek peaks) ready for those yet, I do want to share another behind the scenes (“bts”) image from a recent Denver Photoshoot for Child Models (click here to see my last “bts” image, of a sweet little baby out in a nature setting).
You’ll see from the “bts” image above that we are actually in an urban setting, but using the foliage and a DOF (depth of field) setting that blurs the background, we put all the focus on her lovely face.
This gal is a local Denver child model, and this was her first photo shoot (as a model). She was such a natural! And her mom was super nice, too.
Check out that headband! Looks like something you can find on, doesn’t it?
Denver Headshots for Child Models
by Natascha | Jul 21, 2015 | Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Clothing, Colorado, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver Maternity Photography, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Photographer, Design, Downtown Denver, Featured Post, Highland Family Photography, Highschool Senior Portraits, Maternity, Model, Model Call, Modeling Porfolio, Portraits, Style, Urban, Urban Portraits, Wedding
Denver Urban Stylish Portraits – Millennium Bridge – Bridal, Senior and Maternity Photography
by Natascha | Jul 13, 2015 | Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Featured Post, Girl, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Photography, Portfolio, Portraits

What a lovely image of this precious newborn baby (who is already so much bigger than when this photo was taken!)
Denver Baby Portrait Photography
by Natascha | Jun 10, 2015 | Boulder Headshots, Children, Denver Headshots, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Photographer, Featured Post, Girl, Headshots, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Portraits, Style, Teen, Tween
modeling portfolio images and headshots. Mostly for models, dancers, gymnastics and executive/business people. I have done this for years, and I’m even the official “in-house” photographer for local modeling agency Wilhelmina. It’s great fun, shooting modeling portfolio images for kids from 6 months up to 17 years old.
This photo below is one of my favs from a recent portfolio session. This teen model had this great half smile, and I love love it! (I will typically shoot a full range of expressions for any type of headshot, modeling or portfolio session – serious, half smile, big smile, and right out laughing.) The funny thing is that neither she nor her mother were aware of her great half smile – I was the first one to capture/notice it. Here it is:

I started telling her how much I love her half smile, but she didn’t believe me. I asked her mother if she had noticed it, and she also hadn’t! That’s one of the great joys of working with a professional photographer; we always bring out something new or previously-unnoticed in my clients. Something that is totally “them”, but still new and fresh and fun.
So, since she didn’t believe or wasn’t aware of her great half smile, I had to show her the actual photo (above) on the back of my camera.
This is what she looked like just after I showed it to her. She and her mother were laughing at the new discovery. (Yea, there was lots of laughing and fun @ our shoot. That’s pretty much how all my shoots go. I never know who has more fun – me or the people I photograph. )

If you are looking for modeling headshots for your teenager (or child) in Denver, contact me for more info.
Modeling Portfolio Images for Denver Models
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