by Natascha | Feb 22, 2012 | Baby, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Children, Colorado Baby Photography, Colorado Family Photography, Etsy Items, Girl, Infant, Philanthrophy, Photography, Sweet Sleeping Children
I’m in Las Vegas at the WPPI Professional Photographers Conference.
It’s exciting and humbling to learn from the luminaries of the photography world.
As many of you know, I’m a big fan of “giving back”, and I would like to share information on a talented man who is a bit like the “Bono” of the portrait photography world: Jeremy Cowart.
Yes, he took the photo of Tebow that appears on the cover of the book. Great backstory: Turns out Jeremy took it back when Tim played college ball, in just a quick 5 minute photo session Jeremy did pro bono for the gym in exchange for free workouts. Fast forward a few years and it’s on the cover of Tim Tebow’s book. You never know how precious your photos will be while they are being taken.
Jeremy also founded Help-Portrait, a wonderful organization of volunteer photographers donating their time and talents to worthy causes.
by Natascha | Feb 14, 2012 | Baby, Boy, Children, Colorado Baby Photography, Colorado Family Photography, Denver Colorado baby photography, Infant, Mother and Child, Newborn, Sweet Sleeping Children
Sweet sleeping baby boy.
Warm against Mommy’s heart.

by Natascha | Feb 6, 2012 | Baby, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Children, Colorado Baby Photography, Colorado Family Photography, Denver Colorado baby photography, Etsy Items, Girl, Infant, Newborn, Photography, Props, Sweet Sleeping Children
For those of you with kids still in diapers, have you seen the new fabric designs at AmyMichelle bags?
I just got the Lotus in “moroccan with sea foam lining”. I’m crazy about that sea foam color!
My favorite thing? That the bag easily converts into a regular Mommy Purse when diapers are done!
And, since I can’t imagine doing a post without a photo, here is with an adorable hat in that same sea foam color:

Hat by ZaneyBaby on Etsy.
by Natascha | Jan 30, 2012 | Baby, Black & White, Boy, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Children, Colorado Baby Photography, Denver Colorado baby photography, Infant, Newborn, Sweet Sleeping Children, Uncategorized
Brand new baby boy A
When awake, he had much to say!
When falling asleep he curled and stretched his toes,
Wiggled his button nose.

If you are looking for artistic Denver, Colorado baby photography,
please drop me a line!
by Natascha | Jan 24, 2012 | Baby, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Baby Photography, Colorado Family Photography, Etsy Items, Girl, Infant, Newborn, Photography, Props
Whooo Whooo
Is an Owl Cutie?
This Broomfield, Colorado Baby Girl
Was all smiles for our photo session:

Custom hat by Etsy Artist ZaneyBaby
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