Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays!
Every year, we close down for the month of December to enjoy time with friends and families over the holidays! Happy Holidays and see you next year.]]>
Every year, we close down for the month of December to enjoy time with friends and families over the holidays! Happy Holidays and see you next year.]]>
Wow – still trying to catch up with posting my favorites from last year…..Here’s another one. I love that smile! For those who saw the “Studio Tour” posting, this was taken in the “Sunshine Room.”
Did you know that shy children often feel more comfortable if you give them something to hold during photos? It just has to be something that will look good in the photo! 😉
Here’s another of my favorite portraits from my last Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
This little girl likes trucks, her favorite color is blue and she has a smile that will met your heart!
She also recently became a big sister – I think that’s pride I see in her eyes!
]]>A word of advice for my fellow Denver parents – get your grocery shopping done today! Tomorrow and Wed are going to be crazy crazy @ the grocery stores.
I went yesterday during the Denver Broncos game (yay Peyton! 39-36 over Miami), which is usually a quiet time to go, but it was packed!
Ok, my PSA for Denver parents is done, and now on to my posting:
I love this detail/behind the scenes shot from my recent Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
That’s me in the center, reflected in the holiday ornament.
Any of my fellow photogs laugh when they happen to catch a photo or a reflection of what they look like while shooting? I am always amazed at how much I bend down, lean over, etc. No wonder my back hurts after a few hours. Esp if I’m using Thor (my 2.8 70-200)
Anyway, I just love all the sparkly silver in this scene! One of my very favorite clients commented over on my FB page that this will be a fun photo to look back on once I have retired.
I responded, “Didn’t you know? Photographers never retire, they just loose their focus.” 😉
]]>Here’s another of my favorites from my recent Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
This little girl likes trucks, her favorite color is blue and she has a smile that will met your heart!
She also recently became a big sister – I think that’s pride I see in her eyes!
]]>Boulder and Broomfield have a nice dusting of snow today. Perfect weather to share this lovely holiday portrait of the most beautiful little baby girl.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, we created a variety of sets for this year’s Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
Here’s a photo from one the mini sessions, on the set that ended up being the most popular.
Doesn’t this little girl have the most lovely eyes?
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