by Natascha | Oct 10, 2015 | Boulder Headshots, Corporate Portraits, Denver Headshots, Featured Post, Headshots, Modeling Porfolio, Photography, Portfolio, Portraits, Urban Portraits
family portraits, I specialize in creating headshots and marketing photos that convey your unique personality. That’s why I call them Headshots with Personality(SM). There are four types of headshot services that I offer:
1) Team Headshots where I come to your location, or you come to my studio and I photograph all members of your management or executive team individually and/or as a team. These are for 4 or more people, where you want the images to have a cohesive look to them.
2) Marketing Session for Small Business Owners where I do a variety of images of you in different poses, different expressions, different backgrounds. These are great because just one headshot is never quite enough; it will rarely meet all the needs you have as a business owner. Sometimes you are presenting at a serious conference and you want a conservative, semi-traditional image. Other times, you may be participating in a charity and want a more light-hearted fun headshot. Or you may be trying to reach a new customer group and you want an image that is more edgy and creative. The Headshot Marketing Session gives you several different images to meet these needs, and keep your website/social media/marketing materials fresh and interesting. The photos at the bottom of this post are from a Marketing Session.
3) Model Portfolio Sessions for child, teen and adult models, actors, dancers and performers. These are held @ my Studio and include three outfits, a headshot, 3/4 length and full body in each outfit, and printable files that you can give your agency.
4) Marketing Session + Product/Service Images, which are ideal for small business owners delivering a service in person (like financial service or therapy) or who deliver something tangible (like jewelry, cookies or food.) These include the marketing session (#2 above) as well as photos of you delivering your service or photos of your actual product. The Marketing + Product/Service Session creates a full suite of images for you to use for all your marketing needs.
I recently did a Marketing Session (type #2 above) for a local small business owner, Juliana Vergaray. Juliana is a therapist specializing in helping children with trauma. She wanted some photos that reflected her yoga/breathing/meditation part of her practice, and some that reflected the “meeting with you in my office” part, and also some edgy, outdoor images for when she is working with teens (we shot those on the rooftop of my studio.) She wanted her images to have a variety of feelings (quite, meditative, inquisitive, fun, happy, etc.) – but always warm and caring.
I am in LOVE with how her images turned out (and so is she!) Check out her amazing images below, and then read her interview tomorrow.
by Natascha | Jun 10, 2015 | Boulder Headshots, Children, Denver Headshots, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Photographer, Featured Post, Girl, Headshots, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Portraits, Style, Teen, Tween
modeling portfolio images and headshots. Mostly for models, dancers, gymnastics and executive/business people. I have done this for years, and I’m even the official “in-house” photographer for local modeling agency Wilhelmina. It’s great fun, shooting modeling portfolio images for kids from 6 months up to 17 years old.
This photo below is one of my favs from a recent portfolio session. This teen model had this great half smile, and I love love it! (I will typically shoot a full range of expressions for any type of headshot, modeling or portfolio session – serious, half smile, big smile, and right out laughing.) The funny thing is that neither she nor her mother were aware of her great half smile – I was the first one to capture/notice it. Here it is:

I started telling her how much I love her half smile, but she didn’t believe me. I asked her mother if she had noticed it, and she also hadn’t! That’s one of the great joys of working with a professional photographer; we always bring out something new or previously-unnoticed in my clients. Something that is totally “them”, but still new and fresh and fun.
So, since she didn’t believe or wasn’t aware of her great half smile, I had to show her the actual photo (above) on the back of my camera.
This is what she looked like just after I showed it to her. She and her mother were laughing at the new discovery. (Yea, there was lots of laughing and fun @ our shoot. That’s pretty much how all my shoots go. I never know who has more fun – me or the people I photograph. )

If you are looking for modeling headshots for your teenager (or child) in Denver, contact me for more info.
Modeling Portfolio Images for Denver Models
by Natascha | Jun 1, 2015 | Boulder Headshots, Boy, Children, Denver Headshots, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Photographer, Featured Post, Girl, Headshots, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Portraits, Style, Teen, Tween
I’ve had some great shoots lately, lots of super fun (and photogenic) teens. Loving the warm weather so that we can shoot outside and not worry about tight, tense shoulders from cold weather. (That’s actually the first place I see kids show the cold – their shoulders tense up and start moving towards their earlobes ;-).)
The nice weather also means we can get on the roof of my North Denver photo studio. It’s fun doing photography sessions on the roof because it gives us some wonderful and unique backgrounds for artistic portraits. Truly, how many people get a huge AC unit in the background, right?
Here are a couple recent model portfolio shoots, I love how these headshots turned out. Both these teenagers have such piercing, and expressive eyes. And they were super nice kids, too. I’ll def share some of their “smiley” images in the future.
If you are looking for modeling headshots for your teenager (or child), contact me for more info.

Denver Modeling Portfolio Photographer
by Natascha | May 20, 2015 | Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Families, Featured Post, Headshots, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Photography, Portraits
Hello Rain (again!) The grass, flowers and trees are loving this! Hopefully it means Denver will have great green grass for a while.
I love shooting children’s portraits outside among all this great nature, and of course umbrellas make great props for family and kid photography!
But even when it is grey outside, I am lucky enough to have fabulous natural light in my Denver Kid’s Portrait Studio, thanks to tons of HUGE windows!
And, of course lucky enough to photograph beyond adorable kids like this gal below.
Denver Kid’s Portraits
by Natascha | May 5, 2015 | Children, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Photographer, Downtown Denver, Featured Post, Girl, Headshots, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Portraits, Urban Portraits
Are you looking for headshots of your child model, actor, gymnastics, dancer, or performer? Here are three tips for you.
Tip #1: Many people think you just need one or two images. Actually, you will need at least 9 images: 3 distinct outfits, then a headshot, a 3/4 and a full body of each outfit
Tip #2: Your portfolio images also should demonstrate a variety of expressions (your child’s “range”), but still be consistent in terms of showing your child’s unique personality.
Tip #3: It’s super important that your photographer is great with kids! Your child need to have FUN during her/his session.
Here is what a recent client said on my Facebook page:
Natascha, you are such a joy to work with! Mackenzie can’t wait to come back and bounce some more. We feel so fortunate to have had you do Mackenzie’s head shots! – Jennifer, Mackenzie’s Mom

Looking for headshots for your child in Denver? Contact me – I would love to work with you. I offer modeling portfolio images both at my North Denver Studio and, if you are looking for a nature-type surrounding, I also have an awesome outdoor shooting space in Westminster.
Follow me on Instagram (instagram/NataschaLeeStudios) to see more samples of my work.
Denver Kid’s Modeling Portfolio and Headshot Photographer
by Natascha | Apr 22, 2015 | Children, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Photographer, Downtown Denver, Girl, Headshots, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Portraits, Urban Portraits
Denver Kid’s Photographer
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