Persephone Re-imagined : Artistic Portraits by Broomfield Family Photographer Natascha Lee Studios

I’m honored to be part of a joint show this month at Bittersweet Cafe in Louisville: Persephone Re-imagined.

Swing by and check out the stunning images by a group of 7 local photographers, that re-tell the story of Persephone and Hades.

The show opening was Friday and the place was packed!

Peresphone Reimagined - Senior Girl Photography - by Natascha Lee Studios 5556


A bit of a departure: Frozen Yogurt Dots (from Broomfield Baby Photography by Natascha Lee Studios)

I keep this blog about 95% photography related, so today is about the other 5%.

Like many mothers, I am addicted to Pinterest and find so many cool projects I want to do.

 Of course, I don’t always have the supplies nor the time, but here is one that was fun, easy, yummy and healthy:

Frozen Yogurt Dots. Mix food coloring into yogurt, squeeze out onto a cookie sheet in little dots, freeze, and eat!

For recipe and photos, go here.
