by Natascha | Aug 28, 2017 | Art Series, Featured Post, Travel

I love Sunset Magazine’s…well, I was going to say I love their travel articles but actually I love many things about that magazine. I just saw their article on “14 Best Unsung Beach Towns” and something about the cover photo resonated with me.
Actually, the entire topic is one I am drawn to – small, outt-of-the-way, as-yet undiscovered towns……
Well, I kept thinking I had seen that cover photo location in person. So, I went back to last year’s photos and it turns out that during our Highway 101 Road trip I stayed in, and photographed their #1 town – Bandon, Oregon.
Above is one of the images I took during sunset, with some painterly magic done to it.
BTW, speaking of magic – that’s a 5″ wide puddle in front of me, reflecting the 50+ foot tall rock in the ocean. I was laying on wet sand, lining my camera just in front of this puddle to get this shot. I didn’t mind getting covered in wet sand; I just wanted to keep Josephine safe from it. The rock reflection is particularly dark in the little puddle as that’s pure water, and then it is lighter beyond since that’s just wet sand which is slightly less reflective.
Here is what Sunset Magazine says about Bandon (their words, not mine):
As any upstanding Oregonian knows, the real old school Oregon coast lies down south, in quintessential Oregon beach towns like Bandon. You expect festivity: seaside carnival barkers, maybe a roller coaster. But actually … nothing is happening in Bandon. Tourists schlump down the street sipping coffee at the mouth of the Coquille River, at the town’s edge. Seagulls squawk on the Boardwalk, and a few sprightly old ladies sample the gratis cranberry candies at the Chamber of Commerce. The world slows down, and you notice things. Like the vibrant green algae growing on the rocks in the tidal flats south of town. Stroll out toward those rocks and look down, for Bandon’s best beachcombing is here. Bandon’s beaches can seem otherworldly, like a backdrop to a Maurice Sendak story. Stairs lead you down to the sand. Here is a little cave that someone has turned into a lean-to, lining thin driftwood logs across the front. Here is a curlicue tree limb, twisted in the surf like a giant elk antler. And here is a 40-foot-long tree trunk, bark and all, that will be swallowed up by the waves. Looming above everything are massive rocks that wade, humanlike, in the water. –Sunset Magazine on Bandon, OR, from “Top 14 Unsung Beach Towns”
So, if you haven’t visited this adorable and photogenic town, I agree with Sunset and I recommend it!
by Natascha | Aug 15, 2017 | Clothing, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Family Photographer, Denver Headshots, Denver Photographer, Featured Post, What to wear
Click here to see all my “what to wear” ideas on Pinterest.
Pumpkin Spice
What a deliciously exciting color to spice up your photographs! Done properly, this oh-so-Autumn tone could turn your photographs into something your friends will envy for years to come. Try using this spicy hue as an accent color, or if it’s a main piece like a top or jacket, make sure the rest of what you’re wearing is dark and subtle. The yellow-orange will pop on camera and look amazing.

Denver Portrait Photographer
by Natascha | Aug 15, 2017 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Community, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Photographer, Display Ideas, Featured Post, Highland Family Photography, Photography, Portraits, Resources for Mothers, Top 5 Tips
professionally, by a friend who likes photography, or even just snapshots you take yourself to mark this point in time. To reflect and celebrate your child as they are today. And, to capture some of that first day of school excitement!
One photo of your kid is great – it’s the cornerstone. But if you are looking to capture and portray a more complete picture of this special time in your children’s life, or if you are looking for some creative ideas, use this free printable as guideline.
Please use this as just an idea-generator. You’ll note that I call it “ideas” not a “checklist”. That’s b/c almost nobody (including me) is going to do all of them. So, don’t look at the list and think that you need to take them all, or take them all on the first day. Pick your 10 favorites and just do those, and spread them out over the first week. Or, do them all at once if that’s more your style. Whatever is helpful and fun for you.
Looking for some great ideas for back to school photos? Here is a free printable:

Looking to for a black and white version that won’t use much of your printer ink? Here’s another version:
BTW, a while back I wrote an article for Colorado Parent Magazine on “Tops Tips for Unique First-Day Back to School Photos of your Kids” You can see that article and my photos here, and check out page 11 to read: “8 Pro Tips for Unique First Day Back to School Photos”.
(Note: This is a repost from 1 year ago. I had a request to share it again, so here it is.)
by Natascha | Jul 13, 2017 | Child Model, Children, Clothing, Colorado Baby Photography, Colorado Children's Portraits, Denver Child Model Headshots, Denver Child Model Photographer, Denver Children's Photographer, Featured Post, Style
Child Models
#TBT to a couple cute Denver kids I shot for their first modeling portfolio. Shooting this age is never easy, and you want a photographer who is super familiar with kids and the way to shoot them for modeling – stylish, variety, but capture their unique personality. Basically, their internal and external cuteness!
by Natascha | Jun 20, 2017 | Baby, Baby Feet, Baby Toes, Boulder Baby Photography, Denver Baby Photographer, Denver Baby Photography, Featured Post
Denver baby photos – some with props, and some just pure newborn baby goodness!
(BTW, if you are looking to have newborn photos taken of your baby, I always recommend booking in your 6th month, about 3 months from your due date. We’ll put a date on the calendar approx 5 days after birth (but always before 10 days old!), and I’ll keep some flexibility in the weeks before and after, so make sure we can slide the date around to accommodate your actual delivery date. )

A quick word on baby skin – newborn baby skin can be quite splotchy, dry, red, etc. I do a little skin smoothing, but I don’t want your baby to look like he or she is made of plastic. I prefer a more natural look – or perhaps we should call it a “slightly optimized” natural look. 😉

Artistic Denver Baby Photography
by Natascha | May 20, 2017 | Child Model, Denver Kid's Photography, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Photographer, Featured Post
Do you ever look at your favorite images and see a theme? Today, I noticed this theme of the classic button-down blue shirts. Just had to share:

Denver Child Model Photographer
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