by Natascha | Jul 28, 2015 | Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Featured Post, Girl, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Photography, Portfolio, Portraits

Happy Tuesday! I had an exciting weekend with several photo shoots – corporate headshots for a local Cherry Creek Bank, a slew of models, and a family session – 15 people in all! While I don’t have images (sneek peaks) ready for those yet, I do want to share another behind the scenes (“bts”) image from a recent Denver Photoshoot for Child Models (click here to see my last “bts” image, of a sweet little baby out in a nature setting).
You’ll see from the “bts” image above that we are actually in an urban setting, but using the foliage and a DOF (depth of field) setting that blurs the background, we put all the focus on her lovely face.
This gal is a local Denver child model, and this was her first photo shoot (as a model). She was such a natural! And her mom was super nice, too.
Check out that headband! Looks like something you can find on, doesn’t it?
Denver Headshots for Child Models
by Natascha | Jul 22, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Denver Maternity Photography, Featured Post, Maternity, Westminster
This lovely email from a Highland Family came in a while ago – I’m just now getting around to posting it.
“We hired Natascha to take our son’s newborn photos, which were outdoors and included my husband and myself. I expected great photos,
but was absolutely blown away by what she delivered. I unequivocally recommend her if you are looking for beautifully crafted family portraits.”
– Monique, Highland Denver Colorado
I smile from ear to ear when I receive notes like this. My clients appreciate finely crafted portraiture and I appreciate them!
If you would like to read more client testimonials, click here.
Highland Denver Family and Baby Photography
This little Highland Denver baby, as you can see, is just adorable. He is calm and happy – almost regal! And he has that beautiful luminescent skin, just like his parents. I’m sure he will also inherit his parents’ drive and intelligence, both of which they have in spades.
I do most newborn photoshoots in my Denver Studio. But outdoor can be great if the weather cooperates. A tip: If you are doing outdoor photographs for your newborn baby, make sure it’s warm out and/or dress them in layers. If you want to do nude baby shots and it’s still Spring (when these photos were taken), then wait till your baby is about 3 months old. You won’t get the cuddly, curled up sleeping baby portraits (those only work until they are about 10 days old), but you’ll still get some fabulous images.
I actually recommend getting photographs every three months for your baby’s first year. I offer a “Baby Plan” that includes sessions @ maternity, newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and then 1 year old when we do a “cake smash”. Loads of fun!
If you would like to see a video of the entire portrait session for this Highland family, click here. It’s the first video at the top of the page.
by Natascha | Jul 21, 2015 | Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Clothing, Colorado, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver Maternity Photography, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Photographer, Design, Downtown Denver, Featured Post, Highland Family Photography, Highschool Senior Portraits, Maternity, Model, Model Call, Modeling Porfolio, Portraits, Style, Urban, Urban Portraits, Wedding
Denver Urban Stylish Portraits – Millennium Bridge – Bridal, Senior and Maternity Photography
by Natascha | Jul 13, 2015 | Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Featured Post, Girl, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Photography, Portfolio, Portraits

What a lovely image of this precious newborn baby (who is already so much bigger than when this photo was taken!)
Denver Baby Portrait Photography
by Natascha | Jul 3, 2015 | Boulder Baby Photography, Boulder Children's Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Broomfield Newborn Photography, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Colorado Family Photography, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver High School Senior Photos, Featured Post
Happy 4th of July Everyone! Enjoy this fun US Flag, Patriotic Portrait Series I created featuring adorable local Denver child models. Happy Independence Day 2015!
Denver Kid’s Photography
by Natascha | Jun 26, 2015 | Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Families, Featured Post, Photography, Portraits, Wedding, Westminster, Westminster Children's Photography, Westminster Colorado Family Photography
All that green, the natural winding walking path, overhead trees with shade; this is sheer beauty. The way the trees wrap around means that I can shoot from just about any angle, and we have a lovely background. This is especially important when doing children’s photography, as they want to run everywhere! Better to move yourself and your camera, than to ask them to stay still. This Westminster spot also has lots of cool things for kiddos to explore…even a fallen tree across the water! (I’ll post a portrait taken there in a future blog posting.)
Locations like this make me think: “Perfect – just add family.” Like the family below: Grandma, Grandpa, Mom and Baby Boy. Oh this little boy is so very loved! And so lucky to have such kind, fun Mamma and Grandparents. (I’m sure they believe they are the lucky ones, because this is one super sweet little kiddo!)
My clients know that beautiful family portraits (ones that capture their family’s true spirit) are priceless. And the results? They become family heirlooms. And when doing 3-generation portraits, ones that have Grandma and/or Grandpa in them, those will be cherished for three generations at least. Yours (the parent), your parents (the grandparents), and your children. And, chances are, also your children’s children – your grandchildren. How cool would it be if you had a photo that included your parents, your grandparents, and your great grandparents? Esp if it captured them just being themselves?
For one of my favorite Grandpa portraits ever, click here. The image is from this very session, of Grandma and Grandson with their matching walks. Almost made me think of Monty Python’s Minestry of Silly Walks.

Westminster Family Portraits – Multi Generational with Grandparents – Outside Nature Locations
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