by Natascha | Aug 15, 2017 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Community, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Photographer, Display Ideas, Featured Post, Highland Family Photography, Photography, Portraits, Resources for Mothers, Top 5 Tips
professionally, by a friend who likes photography, or even just snapshots you take yourself to mark this point in time. To reflect and celebrate your child as they are today. And, to capture some of that first day of school excitement!
One photo of your kid is great – it’s the cornerstone. But if you are looking to capture and portray a more complete picture of this special time in your children’s life, or if you are looking for some creative ideas, use this free printable as guideline.
Please use this as just an idea-generator. You’ll note that I call it “ideas” not a “checklist”. That’s b/c almost nobody (including me) is going to do all of them. So, don’t look at the list and think that you need to take them all, or take them all on the first day. Pick your 10 favorites and just do those, and spread them out over the first week. Or, do them all at once if that’s more your style. Whatever is helpful and fun for you.
Looking for some great ideas for back to school photos? Here is a free printable:

Looking to for a black and white version that won’t use much of your printer ink? Here’s another version:
BTW, a while back I wrote an article for Colorado Parent Magazine on “Tops Tips for Unique First-Day Back to School Photos of your Kids” You can see that article and my photos here, and check out page 11 to read: “8 Pro Tips for Unique First Day Back to School Photos”.
(Note: This is a repost from 1 year ago. I had a request to share it again, so here it is.)
by Natascha | Mar 15, 2017 | Child Model, Children, Clothing, Denver Children's Photographer, Denver Family Photographer, Denver Kid's Photography, Display Ideas, Featured Post, Golden Family Photographer, Outdoors, Style
I have photographed this stylish child model two years in a row, so you are seeing photos from two different shoots, 1 year apart. I also did Headshots with Personality for her father.
I love how her super coolmom put together this wall collage of the portraits I made and art that her 3 yo daughter made! A perfect combo to celebrate her! Note how it looks great now, but also has room to add wall portraits from future shoots (like an all-family shoot). Thank you to my client for sending this iphone photo of their display wall.
Here is one of the photos up close, so you can get a good feel of the individual photos:
Denver Child Model Photographer
by Natascha | Mar 10, 2017 | Denver Children's Photographer, Denver Family Photographer, Denver Kid's Photography, Display Ideas, Featured Post, Golden Family Photographer, Mother and Child, Outdoors, Siblings, Sisters, Style
#1: Lots of wall space and you like things uniform:
Here is one example. It uses (8) 12 x 18″ canvas prints, and with a 1 inch gap, that’s a total wall space of 63″ x 31″. This one would work great if you have a good mix of horizontal and veritcal images you like. And, if you are someone who likes things all balanced and square. Well, technically “rectangle” in this case. This display has major WOW factor!
2. Lots of space, but you like things a bit more creative.
In this canvas cluster, there is more variety in each image’s size and the overall layout. This client has their images hanging in their beautifully-lit large foyer, so everyone who enters their home sees it first thing:
#3 – Simple, modern and elegant.
Those terms fit this client perfectly. She has a bright, modern house she designed herself. She picked her favorite images, had large canvases made, and they lean on a ledge in her stairway.

#5 – Over the mantle A
This is a great example of how to hang a wall display/cluster over a mantle. It’s balanced left to right, but has some added visual interest due to the different sizes and shapes. I don’t know if you can tell, but she even put the small squares are just a bit outside of the tall solo images of each girl. That gives it a certain “tension” that adds to the overall visual interest.

#5 – Over the mantle B (Plus, insight into how we design something you will love, and that will fit your space.)
I help my clients design their wall collections to fit both their personality, their space, and also their favorite images. It’s a blast, and my favorite part is to see them after they have been hung up in their home.
Here is what it looks like when client come in for their viewing session (held 2 weeks after their photo session), and I show them samples of their images in different arrangements. Sometimes the background is photos of their own home, and sometimes we use digital rooms to gets a sense of size and place:

#6 – Above a king bed, with a high ceiling
This client wanted to create a collage on a large wall in the master bedroom of their Fraser condo. You can see how the “mock-up” looked in a digital room, and then how the final product looked in their ski home.

A special thanks to my clients who send me photos of their display after it goes up. (In the image first mantle photo, you can see her hammer is even still in the photo! 😉 It makes me sooo happy to see my art of your family up in your home. And, a suggestion to anyone who hires a professional photographer: send them a photo of their pieces up in your wall, or of your family gathered around the album. It will really make their day!
Denver Family Photographer
by Natascha | Aug 15, 2016 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Community, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Photographer, Display Ideas, Featured Post, Highland Family Photography, Photography, Portraits, Resources for Mothers, Top 5 Tips
professionally, by a friend who likes photography, or even just snapshots you take yourself to mark this point in time. To reflect and celebrate your child as they are today. And, to capture some of that first day of school excitement!
One photo of your kid is great – it’s the cornerstone. But if you are looking to capture and portray a more complete picture of this special time in your children’s life, or if you are looking for some creative ideas, use this free printable as guideline.
Please use this as just an idea-generator. You’ll note that I call it “ideas” not a “checklist”. That’s b/c almost nobody (including me) is going to do all of them. So, don’t look at the list and think that you need to take them all, or take them all on the first day. Pick your 10 favorites and just do those, and spread them out over the first week. Or, do them all at once if that’s more your style. Whatever is helpful and fun for you.
Looking for some great ideas for back to school photos? Here is a free printable:
Looking to for a black and white version that won’t use much of your printer ink? Here’s another version:
BTW, Last year I wrote an article for Colorado Parent Magazine on “Tops Tips for Unique First-Day Back to School Photos of your Kids” You can see that article and my photos here, and check out page 11 to read: “8 Pro Tips for Unique First Day Back to School Photos”. Yes, last year it was just 8 ideas…this year I share 40 of them!
by Natascha | Nov 2, 2015 | Display Ideas, Featured Post, Westminster Children's Photography, Westminster Colorado Family Photography
beautiful family portraits (esp in secondary spaces like the kitchen, family room, kid’s room and/or hallways) and tell more of a story about your family. Canvas Clusters to the rescue!
There are so many options for Canvas Clusters – you can do a whole bunch of small images, a few large images, or a mix of the two. If you like things very tidy and organized, you can do one where the outside edges line up and are square – like this:
Or, you can be more free flowing, like this:
(You’ll note that client above didn’t even do canvas clusters – instead, she had her images framed.)
There are so many options for your canvas clusters. I have designs that can fit large spaces, small spaces, even staircases! (That felt like a Dr Seuss line!)
Here are a few more of my favorites. Stay tuned to see samples of these with actual client images in them…
by Natascha | Jul 29, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Community, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Photographer, Display Ideas, Featured Post, Highland Family Photography, Photography, Portraits, Resources for Mothers, Top 5 Tips
Colorado Parent Magazine asked me to write an article for local Colorado parents on “Tops Tips for Unique First-Day Back to School Photos of your Kids”
You can see that article and my photos in their Aug issue that came out like 5 minutes ago. 😉 (That’s the magazine world – they seem to publish about week before the actual month. I think that’s to give the postal service time to distribute the publication.)
Click here, and check out page 11 to read: “8 Pro Tips for Unique First Day Back to School Photos”.
One of the tips I recommend everyone check out is #6 – “Have your child hold a prized possession.” Something that is meaningful to them at this current age and stage. I know from the children’s portraits I create, that children love to customize a photo with their own personality and possessions. For a parent, there is nothing more unique than our child themselves so we often don’t think of including a piece of sports equipment, a stuffed animal, or a special book. But kids love to include their cherished object(s) in their photos. I take photos both with and without that object, so that you have some variety. Oh, and even if the object is so worn that it looks like the Velveteen Rabbit, be sure to include it in a few images.
True story – I just did family portraits this weekend where the 2 year’s old’s favorite thing was a baby doll that had initially been the dog’s chew toy! Sure, it looked worn, but we were going to include it in a few photos anyway….until he changed his mind and wanted the bright yellow truck instead! 😉 So, even if the special object isn’t quite photogenic, it is still a good idea to include it (in at least a few photos.)
Colorado Parent Magazine: Top Tips for Unique Back-To-School Photos of your Kids
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