by Natascha | Jan 15, 2018 | Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Family Photographer, Denver Headshots, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Yoga Photographer, Downtown Denver, Featured Post, Headshots, Headshots with Personality, Model, Model Call, Model Headshots, Model of the Month, Modeling Porfolio, Portfolio, Senior
Denver Models and Seniors Rooftop Photoshoot
It’s January 2018 and I’m back in the studio. Excited to share these great portraits done just before the break. Lila is a Denver model and also a local highschool senior. She is super athletic, sweet, smart and a very strong young woman. Her mom, a yoga instructor and mega-volunteer, has the best, best wardrobe and some of the super cool clothes from this shoot were from her mom.
She wanted a combo model and senior shoot – so we did that @ my amazing Denver Urban Photo Studio, including doing one of her outfits on the rooftop!

Modeling Tips for Denver Child and Teen Models
If your child is interested in modeling, here are some helpful links:
What to wear for your photo session
Sample Portfolios
3 Top Tips
More about Lila!
And here is an interview with the the model above, along w/her mom and sister!
If you want to book your own Denver Model Portfolio session, contact me today!
by Natascha | Apr 11, 2017 | Behind the Scenes, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Cheer, Child Model, Dance, Dancers, Denver Child Model Photographer, Denver Headshots, Denver High School Senior Photos, Denver Kid's Photography, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Yoga Photographer, Model, Model Call, Model Headshots, Modeling Porfolio, Portfolio, Studio, Where I Shoot
is a recent BTS (behind the scenes) photo taken during a teen model photos session. Mom is so cute and stylish! And she is holding the reflector for when her daughter turns around and faces the other way (not for this particular shot.)
This was a super fun session we did Sunday afternoon @ my studio. Her daughter is into competitive cheer and is, as you can see, crazy flexible. They brought tons of cute clothes and we had a blast picking our favorite 3 outfits for the modeling session.
If you are looking for a great gift to give your teenage daughter, give her a modeling photos session! Even if she doesn’t want to pursue modeling, it will be an amazing experience and she’ll have some fab photos to share on IG or Snapchat. Plus, you’ll have great photos that celebrate who she is today, in all her lovely teenage glory.
Many of my Denver child and teen modeling clients have not done this before, and I provide plenty of tips on how to prepare, what to bring, clothing advice, etc.
Most importantly, your teenage will feel on cloud 9 after the experience. B/c it’s always about the journey as well as the destination, right? So the actual session is a blast, and then you get photos that Wow you in the end. Win/win! 😉
BTW, this gal’s mom was super smart – she was close by, but she never made suggestions on what her daughter should do during the shoot. That’s a tip I share with parents – teenagers are their own person, and they would rather not have their parents directing them during the shoot. (That’s what I’m there for!) Even when you are picking out clothes, bring some outfits that you like and some that they like. You’ll end up with a great mix of photos that you love, and also photos that reflect their true personality.
Denver Teen Model and Cheer Photographer
by Natascha | Jan 27, 2017 | Dancers Dreamers & Make Believers, Denver, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Yoga Photographer, Featured Post, Style, Yoga, Yoga Photographer
Boulder yoga photography session. The theme is Seasons: Fall / Autumn.
I picked these leaves in the fall, and then they sat around, waiting for a fun concept /art shoot to come out and play. Yay! For trees, leaves, and yoga! Oh, and the fun, creative people I get to work with.
Like: My lovely model is Amee – @thegardeningyogi, and the super talented hair and makeup artist is theresa.elmore.
Boulder Yoga Photographer
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