Denver Urban Family Portraits – Washington Park Family Portraits

family portrait during sunrise @ Washington Park and the sprinklers turned on just as we showed up at our 2nd shoot location by the lawn bowling area. The 1st location was by the boathouse, and the second would be at the other end of the park near the lake, lawnbowling and small playground. As we drove up, I saw that the sprinklers were on, and my assistant and I quickly started to strategize how we could shoot without my clients (or my photography gear) getting wet – it was not going to be easy.  The worst is when you carefully select an area away from the sprinklers, get everyone set up, and then the sprinklers turn off in the other area, and suddenly turn on in the area where you are standing. And these clients had AMAZING beautiful dark hair (well, the mother and daughters did. ;-), and they def would not want water getting on their perfectly blown out locks. All this is going through my head as I get out of the car, and I notice Dad was on the phone as he got out of his car. And this is what I hear, “Hey! It’s me. The sprinklers by the Lawn Bowling area? We are trying to get portraits done here. Can you turn them off for 15 minutes?”  I was both floored and amused, and I had to quickly snap an iphone shot of him.  (See the sprinklers going in the background?) It all worked out; With one phone call he had the sprinklers turned off for 20 minutes so we could finish our portraits without getting wet. That’s being connected in all the right ways! I kept joking with him during our shoot, “You know,  I don’t like how loud that plane is overhead, can you pls make a call and have it re-routed?”  😉 Washington Park Urban Family Portraits by Natascha Lee Studios - Sprinkler Challenges

Denver Urban Family Portraits

To see more images from this shoot, click here and here.


Family Portraits on a Boulder Mountain – Outdoor Summer Portraits

A super fun client (with the most photogenic family!) came by to pick up his order. We had already done their viewing session, and he and his family saw their amazing family portraits on my big screen TV….but he hadn’t seen them printed yet. In addition to large canvas prints for their home, they also ordered the full digital package which comes with reference prints for each image. Here he laid them all out on my coffeetable to see them at once. There is nothing like seeing your images in print! BTW, he said the cutest thing when he showed up to pick up his order “I feel like a kid on Christmas morning.” I LOVE that I get to create something for people that makes them feel that way…..

Boulder Mountain -Outdoor Family Portraits - Client Order - Natascha Lee STudiosBoulder – Mountain Family Portraits


Fabulous Portraits of Lovely Local Denver Moms

kid photography in there, too. Speaking of light, I love how the sunshine creates a halo of light around her hair and how you can see the sun reflecting off the leaves behind her, too. This was a spur-of-the-moment image. We were laughing at how we can’t get the kids to come out of the grain silo, and I suddenly said, “Stop! Don’t move! That light on you is amazing.” Well, this was my third time doing portraits of her son so she knew what to expect…plus she is a bit of a photographer herself. Every time I photograph her son, I also photograph her! (So she knew to wear something cute!)

Artistic Portraits of Local Denver Moms by Natascha Lee StudiosDenver Mom Portraits


Siblings and Zoolander – Washington Park Portraits for Stylish Families

previous post, I mentioned this handsome boy’s Zoolander expression, and here it  is!  I told these siblings to give me their “serious” look and his stunning sisters definitely gave me the “don’t mess with me” look. And the boy, well, see for yourself!  I love it! My favorite is how he is able to get those eyebrows angled downwards. Like a precious cartoon character!

Denver Family Outdoor Portraits - Washington Park - Zoolander Look - Sibilings - Natascha Lee StudiosStylish Washington Park Family Portraits
