by Natascha | Jan 16, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Downtown Denver, Lafayette Baby Photography, Lafayette Children's Portraits, Studio, Where I Shoot
Yesterdays post was a studio tour of my North Denver Studio.
Today, I’m going to start a series where I share with you how I use all those amazing spaces to make beautiful portraits of newborn babies, children, families, parents, and executives. I’ll show you exactly where the image was made in my studio.
This portrait of the lovely Stacey was made in the “Super Space“, right against one of those enormous windows.
Look how the natural sun light makes her skin glow:
Broomfield “Headshots with Personality (sm)” Photographer
All images ©2015 Natascha Lee Studios.
by Natascha | Jan 15, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Downtown Denver, Lafayette Baby Photography, Lafayette Children's Portraits, Studio, Where I Shoot
family portraits outside, I still use my North Denver studio for newborn photos, model portfolio images, Headshots with Personality(sm), and for my annual art show. It’s also where I meet all my clients for their “Movie Premier” session, where we get to review their amazing images, movie style. I’ve been meaning to post this Studio Tour for quite a while….
Here is my beautiful, light-filled studio with many different shooting space options. I’ll share images of the empty studio today, and then tomorrow I’ll show you some of the portraits taken in each of these amazing spaces.
Let’s start with a few images to give you a general idea of the space. See those huge windows on the right and the back? They create this lovely, yummy light that is flattering to everyone!
Now, for a room-by-room tour.
Here is what you see when you first walk in the front door:
And here is the view from the opposite side, looking back to the front doo
The studio has a wonderful Playroom for your kiddos:
This is the “Sunshine Room“, with a bright white bed perfect for newborn baby images, as well as big and little sibling shots! Although I think it should be called the “Jump Room” because all the young kids love to jump on this bed! Enormous windows on two sides to naturally light up beautiful newborn skin:
This is the “Super Space“, where we can shoot with with a huge variety of backdrops, and take advantage of that lovey natural light from the huge windows. The size, layout, and lighting provide lots of variety.
Here is a space dedicated for you to do your hair and make-up before the shoot, the “Beauty Corner.” If you are looking to have your hair and makeup professionally done, we work with some of the best make up artists in Denver!
This is the “Premier Room”, where we meet two weeks after your photo shoot to see the “Movie Premier” of your images. Your chance to be a movie star! You get to see all your beautiful images, and we’ll review your product choices including Archival Custom Wall Art, Mounted Gift Prints, Archival Hand-crafted Albums, Keepsakes and Digital Files. Notice the wine glasses on the table? More about that later….
The “Boardroom”, perfect for Headshots with Personality(sm) for executives and business owners.
The “Workroom” is a great space for clients to lounge while waiting for their shoot, and it’s also a great space for corporate headshot clients looking for a more urban/alternative look than the “Boardroom” above. As with all the spaces, note those huge windows that bathe my clients in flattering natural light.
Thirsty? Looking for a little caffeine to energize you or some wine to relax you before your session? (I swear, one of my clients last year brought rum and coke to her corporate headshot session, to get her relaxed…and it worked, she LOVED her images.) We stock wine, soda, beer and bottled water…as well as coffee and tea. And we feature local Colorado wineries!
Well, that’s the end of today’s tour. Come back tomorrow to see some of the actual portraits taken in these spaces.
BTW, I would love to take your portrait in my Denver Studio! Contact me today!
All images ©2015 Natascha Lee Studios.
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by Natascha | Nov 24, 2014 | Behind the Scenes, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Holiday, Holiday Portraits, MiniSessions, Photography, Portraits
A word of advice for my fellow Denver parents – get your grocery shopping done today! Tomorrow and Wed are going to be crazy crazy @ the grocery stores.
I went yesterday during the Denver Broncos game (yay Peyton! 39-36 over Miami), which is usually a quiet time to go, but it was packed!
Ok, my PSA for Denver parents is done, and now on to my posting:
I love this detail/behind the scenes shot from my recent Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
That’s me in the center, reflected in the holiday ornament.
Any of my fellow photogs laugh when they happen to catch a photo or a reflection of what they look like while shooting? I am always amazed at how much I bend down, lean over, etc. No wonder my back hurts after a few hours. Esp if I’m using Thor (my 2.8 70-200)
Anyway, I just love all the sparkly silver in this scene! One of my very favorite clients commented over on my FB page that this will be a fun photo to look back on once I have retired.
I responded, “Didn’t you know? Photographers never retire, they just loose their focus.” 😉

Denver Family Photography
by Natascha | Nov 13, 2014 | Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Girl, Holiday, Holiday Portraits, MiniSessions, Photography, Portraits
Here’s another of my favorites from my recent Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
This little girl likes trucks, her favorite color is blue and she has a smile that will met your heart!
She also recently became a big sister – I think that’s pride I see in her eyes!

Denver Children’s Portrait Photography
by Natascha | Nov 11, 2014 | Behind the Scenes, Broomfield Colorado Parks, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Holiday, Holiday Portraits, MiniSessions, Photography, Portraits
At my North Denver Studio, we created a variety of sets for this year’s Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
This was one of our most popular sets or scenes specifically created with our “Clean and Classic Style, Anne-Taylor” loving clients in mind.
Tomorrow I’ll post a image of how adorable this looks once we have a sweet little kiddo in it.
Denver Family Photography
by Natascha | Nov 8, 2014 | Cherry Hills Village, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Headshots
If you are having family portraits taken, be sure to have your photographer take headshots of just you alone.
You’ll be so happy to have artistic headshots with personality for your FB profile, LinkedIn profile, etc.
And even if you already have a decent, recent professional headshot, one taken by a family photographer will likely offer a different side of you – more casual, relaxed.
And possibly in a very different, artistic background. Like this one:
Boulder Headshots for Executives, Artists, and Professional Performers
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