by Natascha | Jan 19, 2015 | Art Series, Ballet, Concept Sessions, Dancers, Dancers Dreamers & Make Believers, Denver, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Portraits, Style
Studio Tour images to share this one of Lisa, a local dancer who works with lots of wonderful Denver organizations including the Black Actors Guild and Cleo Parker Robinson.
Her bubbly personality is so fun to be around! Check out her super cool ombre hair style….and look at those eyes! Wow!
Denver Headshots with Personality for Dancers, Performers and Executives
by Natascha | Jan 7, 2015 | Art Series, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Concept Sessions, Dancers Dreamers & Make Believers, Highschool Senior Portraits, Portraits, Style
This Denver dancer, Lisa (good friends with Rachel from my last blog post), is such a fun upbeat person!
I appreciate the happy energy she brings with her. And her movements are so lyrical.
Here’s one of my favs of her. I love the angle and tension in this image, the chandeliers and the sky lights, and the sunshine reflecting off the floor.
And, of course her super cool moves!
Denver Portraits for Dancers, Performers and Executives
by Natascha | Jan 5, 2015 | Art Series, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Concept Sessions, Dancers Dreamers & Make Believers, Highschool Senior Portraits, Portraits, Style
This Denver dancer, Rachel, is so lovey, and a very talented person Like crazy talented.
I love this image of her, and the calm, strong, intense energy she exudes. She’s actually a very calm person, no drama.
Except when she sees little kids. Then her face breaks out in a smile from ear to ear!
You know that saying, “She loves kids.” Well, that applies 100% to this gal!
It was a joy to photograph her – both moving as well as standing still. (Moving/dancing images to come later – including some with her super talented friend Lisa.)
Denver Headshots with Personality for Dancers, Performers and Executives
by Natascha | Nov 24, 2014 | Behind the Scenes, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Holiday, Holiday Portraits, MiniSessions, Photography, Portraits
A word of advice for my fellow Denver parents – get your grocery shopping done today! Tomorrow and Wed are going to be crazy crazy @ the grocery stores.
I went yesterday during the Denver Broncos game (yay Peyton! 39-36 over Miami), which is usually a quiet time to go, but it was packed!
Ok, my PSA for Denver parents is done, and now on to my posting:
I love this detail/behind the scenes shot from my recent Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
That’s me in the center, reflected in the holiday ornament.
Any of my fellow photogs laugh when they happen to catch a photo or a reflection of what they look like while shooting? I am always amazed at how much I bend down, lean over, etc. No wonder my back hurts after a few hours. Esp if I’m using Thor (my 2.8 70-200)
Anyway, I just love all the sparkly silver in this scene! One of my very favorite clients commented over on my FB page that this will be a fun photo to look back on once I have retired.
I responded, “Didn’t you know? Photographers never retire, they just loose their focus.” 😉

Denver Family Photography
by Natascha | Nov 17, 2014 | Art Series, Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Concept Sessions, Dancers Dreamers & Make Believers, Highschool Senior Portraits, Outdoors, Portraits, Style, Westminster Senior Portraits
Mermaid Art Series:
I had a wonderful experience modeling for Natascha. Working perfectly with angles and lighting was something that came naturally to her, and every final image was beautiful and unlike any I had ever seen before. Equally as important, Natascha incorporated her own humor and excitement into the photography process, making it a very fun experience for me and all the other models. She also was very kind and made me feel comfortable being myself on and off of the camera. I would recommend Natascha Lee for any of your photography needs!
-Jessie Davis
Jessie, thank you so much for your kind words! Here’s one of my favorite images of the stunningly beautiful Jessie, taken during my second Mermaid Art Shoot. To see my other favorite of Jessie, click here.
Broomfield Senior and Family Portraits
by Natascha | Nov 13, 2014 | Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Girl, Holiday, Holiday Portraits, MiniSessions, Photography, Portraits
Here’s another of my favorites from my recent Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
This little girl likes trucks, her favorite color is blue and she has a smile that will met your heart!
She also recently became a big sister – I think that’s pride I see in her eyes!

Denver Children’s Portrait Photography
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