by Natascha | Sep 8, 2017 | Baby Feet, Big Brother, Boulder Baby Photography, Boulder Children's Photography, Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Broomfield Colorado Parks, Brother & Sister, Child Model, Clothing, Concept Sessions, Denver Baby Photographer, Denver Baby Photography, Denver Child Model Photographer, Denver Model Photographer, Featured Post, Great Nature Locations, Lafayette Baby Photography, Lafayette Children's Portraits, Louisville Children's Portraits, Louisville Family Photography, Style, Summer, Westminster Children's Photography, Westminster Colorado Baby Photography
Just a quick posting today. As we leave behind the warm summer weather, and head into autumn, I am already missing summer.
So, just have to share one of my favorite Denver Children’s Portrait sessions, shot during summer:
Summer July 4th Concept Portrait Shoot for Children’s Photography by Natascha Lee Studios in Westminster, Colorado from N Lee on Vimeo.
You can see more Denver family portrait videos over on my video page.
by Natascha | Jul 4, 2016 | Boulder Baby Photography, Boulder Children's Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Broomfield Newborn Photography, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Colorado Family Photography, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver High School Senior Photos, Featured Post
Happy 4th of July Everyone! Enjoy this fun US Flag, Patriotic Portrait Series I created featuring adorable local Denver child models.
I hope you and your family get to enjoy the day – participate in an old-fashioned parade, eat snow cones, be with friends and family, and watch fireworks!
Happy Independence Day 2016!
Denver Kid’s Photography
by Natascha | Jan 12, 2016 | Colorado Baby Photography, Colorado Children's Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver Children's Photographer, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Kid's Photography, Denver Photographer, Featured Post
click here to see my “Best of 2015” Video.)
The start of the year is also a great time for us professional photographers to catch up on portrait sessions that we never got around to sharing on social media. Esp at the end of the (previous) year, it’s such a busy time that our top priority is delivering portraits to clients, and our blogs/facebook/IG feed/etc tend to get neglected. But now that it’s a new year, I’m happy to finally get to share some images that have been waiting on my computer for a while now.
This little boy is beyond adorable! We did the shoot @ a local farm, and he was dressed oh-so-right (which did not surprise me since his Mamma is very stylish). I photographed him when he was 3 months old, when he was almost 2, when he was almost 3, and he has a newborn little brother that I will be photographing very soon! I have photographed him so many times that when he saw me drive into the parking lot of this local farm, he started saying “smile! smile!” (For the record, I don’t ask kids to smile, as I want authentic emotion, and they rarely give real smiles on command, but I think “smile” the word he most associated with seeing cameras come out so it’s what came to mind. And yes, that is an impressively long run on sentence – if you have met me in person, you know that I often talk that exact way. )
Denver Children’s Portraits, Denver Portrait Photographer
by Natascha | Oct 22, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield Family Photography, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Children, Clothing, Colorado Children's Portraits, Concept Sessions, Dancers Dreamers & Make Believers, Denver Model Photographer, Highland Family Photography, Highlands Ranch Photographer, Pre-Teen, Style, Teen
That’s what we did for Caroline, 11 years old. And here is what she and her mother Kristin had to say about the experience (Caroline) and the resulting portraits (Kristin):
“Miss Natascha was so cool. When I worked with her she made me feel pretty. The photoshoot made me feel confident and more brave.”
Caroline, 11 years old in Littleton, Colorado
“Capturing the essence of a child’s personality is a special skill. Natascha’s photography does that but more: she photographs in a truly artistic way. She involves the natural and man-made elements in her surroundings so that every shot is unique. You don’t look at one of her photographs the same way twice.”
Kristin Lamendola, Littleton, Colorado
Highlands Ranch Dance Girl Photo Shoot Natascha Lee Studios from N Lee on Vimeo.
by Natascha | Aug 3, 2015 | Boulder Children's Photography, Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Clothing, Colorado Family Photography, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver High School Senior Photos, Denver Photographer, Featured Post
I’m so excited to announce my 2015 Back to School Blackboard Mini Sessions.
Saturday, Aug 29th, 9 am – 11 am, only 10 slots available
Bring your kiddo (ages 3 – 18 – sorry, this one is just for the kiddos ) with their favorite new school outfit. Or any outfit they love. They can even bring a favorite stuffed toy, sports equipment, etc.
Personalize the experience and your child’s photo by writing a few key things about your kiddo as they are now! (Remember my last blog post where I talked about how children love to personalize the photos with something that is special and meaningful to them? Well, that’s what these sessions are about! That list on the left, above Kacey, are all the things that are important to her, or things that describe her as she is now…..You get to come up with the word list along with your child. Or, we can just use a plain blackboard background and have them hold their favorite toy/sports equipment/etc.)
End up with a WOW portrait of your child to cherish forever, capturing what they are like today, at the start of the 2015-2016 school year.
2 packages available:
Package One: 4 poses to select from, 1 digital file printable up to 8 x 10 and a 5 x 7 print of your favorite pose
Package Two – Everything in package 1, plus a second indoor shooting location, and a digital file printable to 8 x 10 plus an 8 x 10 print of your two favorite poses
BTW, as a special appreciation gift to my clients, If I have done a regular family session for you in the last 12 months, package One is FREE for you!
by Natascha | Jul 28, 2015 | Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Featured Post, Girl, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Photography, Portfolio, Portraits

Happy Tuesday! I had an exciting weekend with several photo shoots – corporate headshots for a local Cherry Creek Bank, a slew of models, and a family session – 15 people in all! While I don’t have images (sneek peaks) ready for those yet, I do want to share another behind the scenes (“bts”) image from a recent Denver Photoshoot for Child Models (click here to see my last “bts” image, of a sweet little baby out in a nature setting).
You’ll see from the “bts” image above that we are actually in an urban setting, but using the foliage and a DOF (depth of field) setting that blurs the background, we put all the focus on her lovely face.
This gal is a local Denver child model, and this was her first photo shoot (as a model). She was such a natural! And her mom was super nice, too.
Check out that headband! Looks like something you can find on, doesn’t it?
Denver Headshots for Child Models
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