by Natascha | Mar 5, 2016 | Baby, Big Brother, Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Families, Featured Post, Newborn, Photography, Portraits
newborn session last week. Baby X is 4 days old, and big brother Z is 3. His hand on Mommy’s shoulder, his sweet kiss to his new baby brother’s head, the contrast of the light skin on the dark shirts – WOW! (And no, this didn’t happen by accident – I provide all clients with simple prep tips to help us get AMAZING images like this one. It can be overwhelming to get professional photos taken, and even more overwhelming to prepare for a session while you have a newborn. And this is true if it’s your first, or your second…. or fifth, if you gave birth or if you adopted. In any situation, it’s a major transitional time and who can be expected to think of all the details needed to prep for photos???? That’s why I make it easy and give you step by step prep tips!)
BTW, if you read my blog posts you will know I’m a HUGE advocate for getting mom in the photo. I know that sometimes just after giving birth, and/or not sleeping for 4 or 5 days, you don’t feel like being photographed. But your images will be cherished by many more people, and more generations, if you are in it the image also. And since I view fine family photography as family heirloom, let’s make it as valuable as possible to as many generations as possible.
Here’s one example how we can accomplish getting moms in the photo if you don’t really feel like being photographed. And, you are still very much part of the photo. For the record, I def still prefer to have all of you – your face, your beautiful expression as you gaze at your newborn. But this is lovely, too!
Denver Newborn Baby Photography
Looking for video samples of custom portrait sessions? Check them out on my video page.
by Natascha | Feb 24, 2016 | Baby, Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Families, Featured Post, Newborn, Photography, Portraits
photograph newborn babies is 4-14 days old.)
I feel honored to get to photograph these sweet sweet babies just a few days after they are born! Here’s one of my favs of a sweet newborn sleeping on Mommy:
Denver Newborn Baby Photography
Looking for video samples of custom portrait sessions? Check them out on my video page.
by Natascha | Feb 16, 2016 | Baby, Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Families, Featured Post, Newborn, Photography, Portraits
Denver Baby Photographer, sometimes I think I have the best job ever! Like getting to take newborn infant portraits for the parents of this sweet baby girl. I photographed her at just 3 days old! And I just saw her yesterday and she is now 3 months old (yes, that is how far I am behind on blogging images). She just gets cuter every day.
This one was a special shoot, because we have known this mamma for several years, and my husband was my assistant that day. He loved holding this sweet little baby girl, and I had to remind him that her parents brought her for photos, not for him to hold! 😉 I kept saying, “Ok, give her to me please, I’m ready to take photos.” And he would walk away and pretend he didn’t hear me. 😉 (He loves babies, too!)
The little purple knit hat is so cute; it’s custom made from Etsy. I think someday I should post a photo of all my newborn baby photography props that I use during baby photo sessions. I would need a very wide lens to get them all in the photo. But it is so much fun, when parents come, to give them some options and choices. If you look @ a full newborn session with me, you’ll see that I do a few of the posed/prop photos, but I also like to do “lifestyle” photos, which are much more about just the baby, and some with the parents, too.
Because the photos of your baby will be cherished by three generations: you as parents, your own parents (the grandparents) and your kids. BUT, those that also include you, the parents will be cherished by five generations: yours, your parents, your kids (the baby in the photo), your kids’s kids, and even their kids (your great grandkids). If you have been lucky enough to have a photo of your grandparents holding your Mom or Dad as kids, or even a photo of your great grandparents holding your grandparents as kids, you know how magical that is! So, that’s why I always ask parents to get in the picture!

Denver Newborn Baby Photography
Looking for video samples of custom portrait sessions? Check them out on my video page.
by Natascha | Nov 9, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Baby Photography, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver Model Photographer, Denver Photographer, Downtown Denver, Featured Post, Holiday Portraits, Lafayette Baby Photography, Lafayette Children's Portraits, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Outdoors, Portfolio, Studio, Style, Urban, Urban Portraits, Where I Shoot
outdoor family and kid portrait sessions, and the indoor/urban look of my newborn, modeling portfolio and Headshots with Personality(sm). As a bit of background, I shoot family and kid portraits mostly in Broomfield/Westminster, although I also shoot in Boulder, Red Rocks, Washington Park, etc. – anyplace that is meaningful to my clients. The latter I shoot mostly at my N. Denver Studio – you can click here to get a full tour of my studio. I love this space!
But today I’m talking about a new option my clients have – it’s this beautiful indoor/outdoor space with a crazy array of different shooting options and spaces, all just a mile from my studio.
This place has it all. We get to close the gates, so the entire space is ours – no worrying about other people getting in the photos. It has amazing light all day. There is a heated barn with beautiful brick walls and lots of natural light. A lovey ivy-covered wall (well, except in winter ;-). Trees, a vine-covered pergola, benches, cool glass barn doors.
All images ©2015 Natascha Lee Studios

Wouldn’t this be a great place for a Modeling Portfolio? Or for family portraits for an urban feel? Let’s do it – Contact me today!
All images ©2015 Natascha Lee Studios.
by Natascha | Oct 20, 2015 | Boulder Family Portraits, Boulder Mountain, Broomfield Family Photography, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Featured Post, Great Nature Locations, Outdoors, Style
Here’s a video of a recent Family Photography Portrait Session, taken in the beautiful Colorado mountains above Boulder and including their sweet family dog.
As you may know, it’s important to view a photographer’s work end-to-end (such as a full family session, or a full wedding) to get a good feel for what their work is like and what you can expect from your photo session. It’s the best way to know how the session will flow, what type of images the photographer will create. Anybody can take one or two good photos, but you want to understand how consistently their work for all clients matches the level of the few favorite images they post on their website. If you would like to see more full-session family portrait videos, visit my video page here.
One thing you’ll notice is that most of my family sessions include photos of the kids individually, with each other, with parents, parents alone, just the parents, etc. I like to provide a variety of combos so that we can create a lovely album or wall collage for your home and so we honor each of the individual relationships in your family.
Westminster Family Portraits Outdoors in the Boulder Mountains from N Lee on Vimeo.
Speaking of Collages, here is the one we did for Dad for his office:

Boulder – Mountain Family Portraits
by Natascha | Oct 14, 2015 | Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Families, Featured Post, Holiday Portraits, Outdoors, Photography, Portraits, Studio, Tutu, Urban, Urban Portraits, Westminster, Westminster Children's Photography, Westminster Colorado Family Photography, Where I Shoot
Studio Image and Portrait on the Left, Outdoor Image and Portrait on the Right[/caption]
Denver Children’s Portraits: Indoor Studio vs Outdoors
It’s beautiful Fall in Denver! Clients often ask me where we should take their family photos: Indoors @ my Studio, or outdoors? (Click here for a tour of my amazing studio.)
To help you out, here is a side-by-side comparison for studio vs outdoor photography for *family* photos for the top 6 Factors to consider: (BTW, for business headshots, I almost always recommend indoor, either @ my Studio or @ your place of business if the lighting there is great).
Factor #1: Weather
Indoor, of course, is stable and predictable. And if you are doing newborn infant portraits, it’s about the only way to go (unless it’s super warm outside). You can wear whatever you want, since you don’t have to consider the temperatures. And you probably won’t have to reschedule due to weather (snow storms excepted, of course.)
Outdoors, you may have to reschedule if it’s really cold. But I have done portraits in the rain, in the snow, etc. It can add some great variety to your family portraits to have snow softly falling. The wind can make your hair look great – like a fashion model with your hair blowing around you!
Winner: Tie, since indoor is weather-neutral, but outdoor can offer great variety and even some hair-flattering wind! (Yes, I am a predominantly outdoor portrait photographer – that’s why I love the variety)
Factor #2: Light
Indoors is a bit more stable, but if it ‘s cloudy, then outside get the win. It’s lovely to photograph in cloudy weather; we call it God’s Softbox. If your kids have blue eyes, they will be more sensitive to the sun, and indoors will be easier on their eyes – so we have less squinting.
Winner: Since I am mostly a natural light photographer, and I have an amazing studio with great light, the win for this goes to indoors.
Factor #3: Backgrounds
My studio has tons of different backgrounds inside and out (just check out this recent small business owner headshot session for an example of that), but there is nothing as beautiful as Colorado nature backgrounds. Or your own home, for that matter -whatever space is special to you and your family! I have photographed at Wash Park for a stylish urban family, in the Boulder Mountains for an outdoorsy, community-leaders family, at Red Rocks for a family that LOVES Red Rocks, at a private barn for a close-knit family and at a beautiful local pond space for a sweet active family that wanted to include their crazy dog! If a space is special to you, then we can craft your family portraits there.
Winner: Outdoors.
Factor #4: Young Kid-Friendly
Kids love being able to move, and run around. If you have just one kid, Studio Sessions can work well, especially if you like the Urban feel. (I even do photos on the roof @ my studio – very hip and Downtown-Denver Urban vibe.)
But, if you have more than one child or a very rambunctious one, and def. if you plan to include the family dog, then outdoors is the way to go so they have plenty of space to run and move.
Winner: Outdoors
Factor #5: Teenager-Friendly
If you have a teen, you already know the answer; teenagers prefer my Studio – the huge loft-like feel, the urban outdoor spaces, etc. But since *Mom* (or Dad) is organizing and paying for the portraits, please go with what YOU want to put on your living room wall. The kiddos will be gone to college in a few years (which, BTW, is a great reason to schedule family portraits NOW), and you will be the one who gets to look at that portrait for years to come.
Winner: Indoors/Studio
Factor #6: Number of people
If you are doing more than three people, I recommend outdoors. The vast space will accommodate more people and move configurations of you and your family members.
Winner: Outdoor
There you have it, 6 key factors to consider if you aren’t sure whether to go with indoor or outdoor photos. And since “outdoors” won slightly over “indoors”, be sure to also check out this post on the best outdoor locations for family photography,]]>
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