by Natascha | Aug 3, 2015 | Boulder Children's Photography, Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Clothing, Colorado Family Photography, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver High School Senior Photos, Denver Photographer, Featured Post
I’m so excited to announce my 2015 Back to School Blackboard Mini Sessions.
Saturday, Aug 29th, 9 am – 11 am, only 10 slots available
Bring your kiddo (ages 3 – 18 – sorry, this one is just for the kiddos ) with their favorite new school outfit. Or any outfit they love. They can even bring a favorite stuffed toy, sports equipment, etc.
Personalize the experience and your child’s photo by writing a few key things about your kiddo as they are now! (Remember my last blog post where I talked about how children love to personalize the photos with something that is special and meaningful to them? Well, that’s what these sessions are about! That list on the left, above Kacey, are all the things that are important to her, or things that describe her as she is now…..You get to come up with the word list along with your child. Or, we can just use a plain blackboard background and have them hold their favorite toy/sports equipment/etc.)
End up with a WOW portrait of your child to cherish forever, capturing what they are like today, at the start of the 2015-2016 school year.
2 packages available:
Package One: 4 poses to select from, 1 digital file printable up to 8 x 10 and a 5 x 7 print of your favorite pose
Package Two – Everything in package 1, plus a second indoor shooting location, and a digital file printable to 8 x 10 plus an 8 x 10 print of your two favorite poses
BTW, as a special appreciation gift to my clients, If I have done a regular family session for you in the last 12 months, package One is FREE for you!
by Natascha | Jul 3, 2015 | Boulder Baby Photography, Boulder Children's Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Broomfield Newborn Photography, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Colorado Family Photography, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Denver High School Senior Photos, Featured Post
Happy 4th of July Everyone! Enjoy this fun US Flag, Patriotic Portrait Series I created featuring adorable local Denver child models. Happy Independence Day 2015!
Denver Kid’s Photography
by Natascha | Feb 22, 2015 | Boy, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Photography, Portraits, Preschooler, Spring
Spring is just around the corner, and I have just a few slots left for Spring Photography Sessions.
Here’s one of my favs from last Spring’s Family Portraits:
Denver Children’s Portrait Photography
by Natascha | Feb 6, 2015 | Art Series, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Concept Sessions, Dance, Dancers, Dancers Dreamers & Make Believers, Girl, Littleton Family Photography, Portraits, Style, Tween, What to wear
Love this Centennial tween portrait – she is styling with the tutu and the pink shoes!
Denver Stylish Portraits for Tween Girls – “Model for a Day”
by Natascha | Nov 24, 2014 | Behind the Scenes, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills Village, Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Holiday, Holiday Portraits, MiniSessions, Photography, Portraits
A word of advice for my fellow Denver parents – get your grocery shopping done today! Tomorrow and Wed are going to be crazy crazy @ the grocery stores.
I went yesterday during the Denver Broncos game (yay Peyton! 39-36 over Miami), which is usually a quiet time to go, but it was packed!
Ok, my PSA for Denver parents is done, and now on to my posting:
I love this detail/behind the scenes shot from my recent Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
That’s me in the center, reflected in the holiday ornament.
Any of my fellow photogs laugh when they happen to catch a photo or a reflection of what they look like while shooting? I am always amazed at how much I bend down, lean over, etc. No wonder my back hurts after a few hours. Esp if I’m using Thor (my 2.8 70-200)
Anyway, I just love all the sparkly silver in this scene! One of my very favorite clients commented over on my FB page that this will be a fun photo to look back on once I have retired.
I responded, “Didn’t you know? Photographers never retire, they just loose their focus.” 😉

Denver Family Photography
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