by Natascha | Jul 30, 2015 | Boulder Family Portraits, Boulder Mountain, Broomfield Family Photography, Broomfield Newborn Photography, Broomfield Senior Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Dogs, Featured Post, For Laughs, Great Nature Locations, Model Call, Outdoors, Spring, Spring Flower Session, Style, Summer
I often shoot in locations that have special significance to my clients. I recently took portraits for this lovely family below. They are outdoorsy, active and hikers – so they wanted to incorporate the beauty of Boulder’s Mountains into their portraits.
Didn’t the mom do a great job with the clothing? I love how she selected light Summer colors, and pulled it all together with her youngest daughter’s dress, and her own scarf.
[caption id="attachment_5384" align="aligncenter" width="900"]
Boulder Family Photography – Mountain Outdoor Portraits by Natascha Lee Studios[/caption]
Boulder – Mountain Family Portraits
by Natascha | Jul 29, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Community, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Photographer, Display Ideas, Featured Post, Highland Family Photography, Photography, Portraits, Resources for Mothers, Top 5 Tips
Colorado Parent Magazine asked me to write an article for local Colorado parents on “Tops Tips for Unique First-Day Back to School Photos of your Kids”
You can see that article and my photos in their Aug issue that came out like 5 minutes ago. 😉 (That’s the magazine world – they seem to publish about week before the actual month. I think that’s to give the postal service time to distribute the publication.)
Click here, and check out page 11 to read: “8 Pro Tips for Unique First Day Back to School Photos”.
One of the tips I recommend everyone check out is #6 – “Have your child hold a prized possession.” Something that is meaningful to them at this current age and stage. I know from the children’s portraits I create, that children love to customize a photo with their own personality and possessions. For a parent, there is nothing more unique than our child themselves so we often don’t think of including a piece of sports equipment, a stuffed animal, or a special book. But kids love to include their cherished object(s) in their photos. I take photos both with and without that object, so that you have some variety. Oh, and even if the object is so worn that it looks like the Velveteen Rabbit, be sure to include it in a few images.
True story – I just did family portraits this weekend where the 2 year’s old’s favorite thing was a baby doll that had initially been the dog’s chew toy! Sure, it looked worn, but we were going to include it in a few photos anyway….until he changed his mind and wanted the bright yellow truck instead! 😉 So, even if the special object isn’t quite photogenic, it is still a good idea to include it (in at least a few photos.)
Colorado Parent Magazine: Top Tips for Unique Back-To-School Photos of your Kids
by Natascha | Jul 28, 2015 | Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Featured Post, Girl, Model, Modeling Porfolio, Photography, Portfolio, Portraits

Happy Tuesday! I had an exciting weekend with several photo shoots – corporate headshots for a local Cherry Creek Bank, a slew of models, and a family session – 15 people in all! While I don’t have images (sneek peaks) ready for those yet, I do want to share another behind the scenes (“bts”) image from a recent Denver Photoshoot for Child Models (click here to see my last “bts” image, of a sweet little baby out in a nature setting).
You’ll see from the “bts” image above that we are actually in an urban setting, but using the foliage and a DOF (depth of field) setting that blurs the background, we put all the focus on her lovely face.
This gal is a local Denver child model, and this was her first photo shoot (as a model). She was such a natural! And her mom was super nice, too.
Check out that headband! Looks like something you can find on, doesn’t it?
Denver Headshots for Child Models
by Natascha | Jul 24, 2015 | Baby, Baby Toes, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Infant, Newborn
Do you have a friend who is expecting? The baby plan is a perfect baby shower gift for the moms-to-be in your life. And it makes a great Baby Shower Gift that several people can go in on.
A Baby Plan lets you capture all the wonderful changes in your baby’s first year, with a custom portrait session at each milestone:

Maternity (Joy & Anticipation)
The start of your baby’s journey! We suggest maternity sessions take place around 28-35 weeks and are usually held outdoors. Maternity sessions capture and convey the joy and excitement you and your partner have for your baby.
Newborn (Sleepy Sweet Goodness)
Newborn sessions take place between 2 – 10 days old, so that we can capture their sweet sleepy newborn goodness. These are held indoors, usually at our studio.
3 Months (Tummy Time)
Your baby has become so alert, pushing up on his or her tummy and giving social smiles and even laughs! And those sweet little rolls on their legs! These sessions can be held outdoors if the weather is nice, or at our studio, or even sometimes at our client’s home.
6 months (Sitting Up)
Your baby can now sit up on his or her own and turns to follow you where ever you are. And you know the special noises that elicit great belly laughs. We’ll capture their personality, be it outgoing and vivacious or sweet, shy and reserved.
9 months (Crawling)
Your baby can now crawl, and maybe even stand up with assistance. S/he may even be cruising by holding onto something. We’ll capture your child’s curiosity, smiles and mobility.
1 year (Almost a Toddler!)
Wow! Your baby is about to leave babyland for toddlerhood. We’ll celebrate their 1st birthday, include some of their favorite toys, have you read their favorite book to them. We can even do a cake smash session where you bring a small cake and we let your baby get MESSY!
At the end, you have lovely custom portraits to celebrate and document their first year of life, and to preserve (and display) those memories forever!
by Natascha | Jul 22, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Denver Maternity Photography, Featured Post, Maternity, Westminster
This lovely email from a Highland Family came in a while ago – I’m just now getting around to posting it.
“We hired Natascha to take our son’s newborn photos, which were outdoors and included my husband and myself. I expected great photos,
but was absolutely blown away by what she delivered. I unequivocally recommend her if you are looking for beautifully crafted family portraits.”
– Monique, Highland Denver Colorado
I smile from ear to ear when I receive notes like this. My clients appreciate finely crafted portraiture and I appreciate them!
If you would like to read more client testimonials, click here.
Highland Denver Family and Baby Photography
This little Highland Denver baby, as you can see, is just adorable. He is calm and happy – almost regal! And he has that beautiful luminescent skin, just like his parents. I’m sure he will also inherit his parents’ drive and intelligence, both of which they have in spades.
I do most newborn photoshoots in my Denver Studio. But outdoor can be great if the weather cooperates. A tip: If you are doing outdoor photographs for your newborn baby, make sure it’s warm out and/or dress them in layers. If you want to do nude baby shots and it’s still Spring (when these photos were taken), then wait till your baby is about 3 months old. You won’t get the cuddly, curled up sleeping baby portraits (those only work until they are about 10 days old), but you’ll still get some fabulous images.
I actually recommend getting photographs every three months for your baby’s first year. I offer a “Baby Plan” that includes sessions @ maternity, newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and then 1 year old when we do a “cake smash”. Loads of fun!
If you would like to see a video of the entire portrait session for this Highland family, click here. It’s the first video at the top of the page.
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