by Natascha | Jan 22, 2015 | Children, Colorado Children's Portraits, Colorado Family Photography, Colorado Family Portraits, Concept Sessions, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Girl, Holiday, Holiday Portraits, MiniSessions, Photography, Portraits
Here’s another of my favorite portraits from my last Holiday Mini Sessions for kids.
This little girl likes trucks, her favorite color is blue and she has a smile that will met your heart!
She also recently became a big sister – I think that’s pride I see in her eyes!

Denver Children’s Portrait Photography
by Natascha | Jan 20, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Broomfield Colorado Parks, Display Ideas, Dogs, Girl, Great Nature Locations, MiniSessions, Pets, Siblings, Sisters, Smiles
Broomfield portait client’s final art, hanging in their home.
Last last year, local Broomfield Mamma Jenny bid and won a photo session with me at a local charity auction.
About two weeks after a portrait session, I meet my clients in my North Denver studio to share their final portrait gallery in a lovely movie format, set to music. As you know from my studio tour, I’ve got comfty couches, beer, wine and soda, as well as a playroom if the kiddos come along. This Move Premier lets portrait clients see all their images in their full resolution glory, as well as allows me to assist them in selecting their favorite images for wall art, albums, and gifts for family members.
Jenny and I had set up the viewing appointment for 5:30pm on a weekday, not really thinking about rush hour traffic. We each encountered traffic getting there (note to self: no more appointments during evening rush hour), but we decided that some wine would take care of that…..I even had a really nice bottle of red ready. And then…TRAGIC! I couldn’t find the wine opener anywhere! Argghhh. At least we managed to open the sparkling cider for her girls. And I have since made sure we have two! wine openers in the studio kitchen.
With our non-wine drinks (tragic!), we settle into the couches and chairs and I start their Preview Movie. This super cool and fun Mamma started tearing up at the first image (which is normal – most Mammas tear up when they are seeing portraits of their precious children.) But then her reaction was even better….. by the third image, she leaned forward with this look and disbelief. It looked like she was in shock at how stunning her girls’ portraits were! I was smiling from ear to ear!
The adorable girls, well they loved being “movie stars” but I think their favorite was the playroom @ my studio with an Xbox, or perhaps it was the Martinellis apple cider they got to sip out of wine glasses.
After much discussion about which images to get for her wall collage, I helped her select her final portraits. And here, without further ado, is the iphone snapshot she sent me of the final wall. Isn’t it wonderful?
Broomfield Family Photography
by Natascha | Jan 19, 2015 | Art Series, Ballet, Concept Sessions, Dancers, Dancers Dreamers & Make Believers, Denver, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Portraits, Style
Studio Tour images to share this one of Lisa, a local dancer who works with lots of wonderful Denver organizations including the Black Actors Guild and Cleo Parker Robinson.
Her bubbly personality is so fun to be around! Check out her super cool ombre hair style….and look at those eyes! Wow!
Denver Headshots with Personality for Dancers, Performers and Executives
by Natascha | Jan 18, 2015 | Boulder Baby Photography, Boulder Children's Photography, Boulder Colorado Senior Photography, Boulder Headshots, Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Lafayette Baby Photography, Lafayette Children's Portraits, Studio, Where I Shoot
Two days ago I posted a studio tour of my North Denver Studio. And yesterday I posted the first of a series where I show you portraits made in specific spaces in my Studio.
Here’s another of my favorite images made @ the Studio, this one in the “Sunshine/Jump Room.”
I position Claire (1 yr old) just so, between the two windows, so that light wraps around her beautiful face. I love the way the windows reflect in her sparkly eyes.
Boulder Baby and Family Photographer
All images ©2015 Natascha Lee Studios.
by Natascha | Jan 16, 2015 | Broomfield Children's Photography, Broomfield colorado Baby Photography, Broomfield Colorado Family Photography, Denver Colorado baby photography, Denver Colorado Family Portraits, Denver Headshots, Downtown Denver, Lafayette Baby Photography, Lafayette Children's Portraits, Studio, Where I Shoot
Yesterdays post was a studio tour of my North Denver Studio.
Today, I’m going to start a series where I share with you how I use all those amazing spaces to make beautiful portraits of newborn babies, children, families, parents, and executives. I’ll show you exactly where the image was made in my studio.
This portrait of the lovely Stacey was made in the “Super Space“, right against one of those enormous windows.
Look how the natural sun light makes her skin glow:
Broomfield “Headshots with Personality (sm)” Photographer
All images ©2015 Natascha Lee Studios.
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