Have you seen the “What to Wear” fashion guides for portrait photography? Or perhaps seen the What to Wear For Family Photo Sessions boards on Pinterest? (Check out our own “What to Wear” Board/Collection here)
Many of them are exclusively for the kids, or start with children’s clothes and then add Mommy and Daddy.
I’m turning that on it’s head for this series, and starting with clothing ideas Mommy and Daddy.
This is suggestion #4 of 8 in our “2014 Warm Season Photo Fashion Guide.” Here are links to: idea number 1 and number 2, and number 3.
I love the bright cheery yellow (“freesia”) umbrella. Now I’m envisioning a concept session where everyone has bright umbrellas!
We wouldn’t even have to wait for the regular Broomfield afternoon rain…although it could be fun if we did!
Broomfield Family Photographer