Hello there! This is Brittany, Natascha’s assistant.
Another cold and chilly day in Boulder County! We are editing some lovely newborn portraits from a recent baby photography session, and will share them soon. Little newborn toes and fingers – can it get any cuter?
For now, we are bringing you the second installment of our Community Spotlight Series . Today we will be shining the light on Eats and Sweets owned by Bobby Pangilinan and his wife Gretchen, located in Ole Town Lafayette.
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[caption id="attachment_2933" align="aligncenter" width="274"]Q: Bobby, tell us about your business?
A: Eats & Sweets is a local mom & pop sandwich/ice cream/dessert shop, I guess you can call it somewhat of a cafe. We have big, awesome sandwiches and salads, homemade soups and quiche. We bake all our desserts in house and offer gluten free options as well. We proudly serve all natural Boulder Ice Cream and we are the home of the Banana Bread Ice Cream Sandwich, and the Best Cheesecake. We always use fresh produce and use local/organic ingredients whenever possible. When baking our delicious desserts we use unbleached flour and organic cane sugar. Our little shop has been merited with multiple awards, such as Best Sandwich, desserts, Best Bakery by Boulder Weekly in 2013, and most recently Cheap Eats. We make quality food and serve it with a smile at a fair price!Q: How did you decide to get into your business? – Any inspirations?
A: I have been in the business my whole life and my wife was an art therapist. We found a great location and opened on a whim- thank God we are still around! My wife is now a dessert therapist. (Note from Brittany: How cool would that be! A Dessert Therapist!)Q: Were you prepared to take on the challenge of owning a small business?
A: I’d like to say yes, but there are new challenges every day that you are not prepared for. But we were prepared to take a chance!Q: How does Eats and Sweets positively affect the community?
A: We try to do as much possible for the community. We give the local elementary school students a birthday cone, and offer the parents a great place to eat with their children where they know the products are fresh. In the summer we host a few free events that include our annual ice cream eating contest, called the Quick Lick and we also host Festival Flicks which is an outdoor cinema at Festival Plaza. We try to do our part to make Old Town Lafayette a fun place to live and/or visit.Q: In 2014, where do you see Eats and Sweets heading?
A: Hopefully upwards! We have internal opportunities that will make our business run more efficiently. We plan to introduce some new products as well! With Old Town Lafayette starting to pick up, we hope that we do to.Q: What makes Eats and Sweets unique?
A: Our people make our business unique. We all try our best to give the community what it needs with a smile, and we hope that creates a reciprocating cycle.

Stop in and check out their menu ! Be sure to try Natascha’s Favorite, their Best Cheesecake and their 20 rotating flavors of Boulder Ice Cream! Check out these cute local children and their ‘Sweet Faces’.
Visit Eats and Sweets at 401 S. Public Road, Lafayette, Colorado! Connect on Facebook or Eatsandsweets.biz
]]>Do you have or know any small businesses that would like to be featured here? Email us at CommunitySpotlight @ NataschaLeeStudios.com
We offer newborn, children and family photography to families in Lafayette, Westminster, Highland, Denver, Golden, Louisville, Broomfield, and Boulder.