Happy New Year!

love this time of year for Reflections and Goal Setting. Ah, the brand-new freshness of it all. Anything is possible!

BTW, here’s a great video on goal setting from the great Marie Forelo. “Purge and Prune, baby!”

So, I have this great backlog of wonderful stuff I’ve been wanting to share…but just not getting around to it for much of last year. (Which really means I wasn’t making it a priority, right? And that’s actually true. I was playing around with Instagram a lot last year. I’m still there, but I miss the depth and richness of longer-form info like blog posting. Sure, I love to scroll through my IG feed while waiting somewhere – same with my Pinterest boards.   But the online content that holds my attention and gives me things to think about – well, that’s usually videos or blog postings – like the one above from Marie.)

With the fun, family and friends-soaked holidays behind us, and the colder weather here now, I’ll have less distractions, plus, I’ll be inside staying warm a bit more! Perfect opportunity to share more of my work on my blog, as well as more tips for anyone interested in family photography. If you are client and see me finally share a shoot from a few months (or more) ago, I’m sorry it took me a while to blog it. Pls know that I def love it – that’s why I’m sharing it. (albeit a bit late)

Now, there is def a downside to investing time in writing blogs – and that’s the lack of feedback. It can feel like talking into a void. Esp. b/c most people don’t do blog comments anymore, and a “conversation” is so much easier on IG, FB, etc.  If you read this blog and like it, or have questions, or just want to share your ideas with me – I would love to hear from you. Here are some ways:

My Contact Form  — My IG FeedMy FB PageSubscribe to this blog – Join my VERY occasional email list – email webcontact2017@nataschaleestudios.com

Thanks and Happy New Year! I’ll leave you with one of my favorite recent art photos – from a trip along the California Coast last year, taken at sunset.

California Coast at Sunset

Denver Family Photographer
